About Me

My name is Moshe Tortomasi. I'm a 42 year old, single, Spanish/Italian,Jewish male living in Jerusalem. I moved here from San Antonio Texas and am going about the business of making a life for myself here. I will bring you along the way to show you the things that are  happening with me and show you Israel you will only see if you look through my eyes.

I am a writer and an artist among other things.  I thought I would start this blog project of mine to relay all that I see and my thoughts on what is going on here in the land of Israel. I will warn you dear reader, not all I have to say will be positive but all will be said with love and concern for this land of mine. I use a healthy amount of  humor and sarcasm. This should not be misinterpreted as antagonistic toward Israel, it is quite to the contrary.  I love this land and the fact that I am here. I am still a realist and a seeker of truth by way of reality and historical proof. So, with that in mind, Welcome! to my Jewish Life.

  Please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions about what you would like to see and I will do my best to bring it to you. I hope to add many more features to this blog and some advertising for some friends of mine so I hope you will come back often.

1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for 8 months for this. So I am very anxious to hear what you have to say. How does the food differ there than in the US? What did it feel like when you first stepped off the plane and realized you were in I S R E A L!!! Did it smell different? Are there a lot of cars there? Does Israel have traffic jams like they do here? What kind of cars do you normally see? What are the shops like? The grocery stores? The bars? The restaurants? All this, but most importantly, do you feel the presence of HaShem more clearly, more strongly? What does it feel like to walk where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David and all the others have walked? To see the same mountains they saw? The same land they saw? What is it like to stand at the kotel and realize all the history that has taken place there? What is it like to realize you are now a part of that history?

    Ok, I think that should be enough for a good start. LOL. But be detailed when you write about these things and dig deep. I want...no, I need to know. Thanks for doing this. Bonnie
